segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

As Maravilhas da Wiki

Artigo da Wikipedia inglesa, consultado agora mesmo, 14/9/2009, sobre a música Pimba. Podem consultar aqui, enquanto ainda está online. Numa tentativa de imortalizar as palavras de sapiência pura (devia ser disto que Platão falava na sua Teoria das Ideias), aqui ficam alguns excertos:

"Many Pimba songs use vulgar puns and jokes or address topics suggesting sexual behaviour, seemingly to gain popularity, as in the hit singles "Queres Ketchup, Maria?" ("Do You Want Ketchup, Mary?" — when spoken often sounds as "do you want me to suck you, Mary?"), by Quim Gouveia or "É o ECU!" ("It's the ECU!" (ECU was the first name thought for the euro) — when spoken sounds like "it's the ass!"), by Banda Lusa."


"The so called "King of Pimba" was — and according to some still is
— Emanuel, a musician/singer who emphasizes topics such as love and sex in his strongly satirical songs. The "Queen of Pimba" is Ágata, well-known in Portugal as well in the Portuguese diaspora. There is also the "Prince of Pimba", Saúl, who whilst very young performed the Pimba hit "O Bacalhau Quer Alho" ("The Codfish Wants Garlic" — "bacalhau" (codfish) is a slang word for the female sexual organs and "quer alho", when uttered fast, sounds like a Portuguese slang word for penis - "caralho")."


"Another very popular Pimba artist is Quim Barreiros. He started his career before Emanuel, being one of the first, if not the actual first, documented case of Pimba[citation needed]. In most of his songs, Barreiros makes extensive use of ambiguous words, often with obvious sexual suggestions. One of Quim Barreiros' biggest hits was "A Garagem da Vizinha" (The [Female] Neighbour's Garage), which is a metaphor for the female genitalia, but he is also known for hits such as "Mariazinha", where he asks a woman named Mariazinha to let him smell her "codfish"."

E cá está fiel leitor, graças a uma iniciativa que faz mais pela união e difusão da genuína cultura portuguesa que o José Malhoa num festival no Luxemburgo em que se sirvam bifanas e água-pé, agora, em particular nesta época de abertura da "caça à/ao Erasmus" pode prosseguir em lascivas mas interessantes trocas de piropos com estrangeiros, ou então, numa crítica eleitoral internacional, da perspectiva da integração europeia e do Tratado de Lisboa, discutir com os seus compinchas comunitários a problemática e o impacto económico e monetário da grande frase "It's the ECU!!". Obrigado pela atenção e um bem haja.

1 comentário:

Pedro disse...

gosto de como "José Malhoa" aponta para a página da wikipedia sobre o pintor, não o pimba.