sábado, 22 de maio de 2010


(via mashable) «Inventor Roger Linn is famous for creating the drum machine as we know it today, so there’s good reason to be excited about his latest creation. It’s a multi-touch surface (...)
The instrument — which Linn calls the "LinnStrument" — can take input from all of your fingers, so you can form chords in addition to sounding individual notes. Each space is pressure sensitive to allow for maximum range of expression. Sliding your finger vertically adjusts the timbre while horizontal motions change the pitch.
The final product would take the best elements from the layouts of the piano (chromatic increments) and the guitar ("parallel rows of semitones offset by fourths"). (...)»

Vejam o vídeo e passem pelo site do inventor se quiserem ver o desenho do protótipo ou saber mais.

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